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Kicking Off FFA Week At The Capitol

By Stephanie Hoff Feb 19, 2024 | 7:24 AM

The National FFA Organization is celebrating its organization Feb. 17-24 dubbing it “FFA Week.” FFA is a youth leadership organization for students in agricultural education. Students in the FFA focus their programming efforts on growing leaders, building our local communities, and strengthening agriculture.

National FFA Week was designated a national week in 1947, the week of George Washington’s birthday. It allows FFA members to educate the public about agriculture. During the week, chapters host activities to help others in their schools and communities learn about agriculture.

Wisconsin FFA will kick off FFA Week by holding “FFA Day on the Hill”. More than 210 FFA members and 43 advisors from across the state will convene at the capitol for the event. Students arrived Sunday night to learn more about how to have conversations with legislators.

Monday’s activities start with a series of guest speakers: FFA State President Mary Schreiber; State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly; DWD Secretary Amy Pechacek; DATCP Secretary Randy Romanski, and FFA Foundation Board President Deb Ihm.

From 10:30 until noon, students will head to the Capitol to visit with legislators. Students will have displays placed around the rotunda showcasing a variety of student projects. At noon, a group of students from the State FFA Band and Choir will perform a 45-minute concert.

Following the event, FFA members will make their way back to their local communities to wrap up their week with events such as agriculture Olympics, community service projects, agriculture awareness activities, and more.